Posture or “Acture” in tango

Posture or “Acture” in tango

Moshe Feldenkrais made-up the word “acture”, to replace the static concept of posture. In the book ”Body And Mature Behavior”, he developed the idea that there is no “correct” posture, but a moving body that must adapt to every situation. The wider the range of possible movements, the more effectively it adapts. To understand this, imagine someone who is always standing with his back bent and his chin forward: his position is not bad in itself, but the fact that he cannot change it. The extensors  in the back of his neck are under constant and excessive strain to keep

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Tango and Awareness

Neither all sports nor all dances are created equal. Of course, any physical activity is a great way to become more aware of your body – at the same time as more awareness helps you to improve. But does one need as much awareness to run or to do yoga? To play volley ball or to learn aikido? For me, among all sports and dances I tried in my life, and I tried many, tango is the thing that took me to realize that I had a super power inside my brain. And not only I did not work to

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Плохое танго. Письма читателей

Сегодня утром, по дороге к воротам моего сада за молоком и газетами, я нашел в почтовом ящике много писем, с реакциями со всего мира на мою последнюю статью, как танцевать плохое танго. Так как писем было слишком много, эта статья ответит только на те, которые я выбрал как самые показательные. Письмо 1 Дорогой Йоанн, Из-за вашей статьи наше маленькое танго-сообщество страдает бесконечных дискуссий. Некоторые из наших танго-энтузиастов, к числу которых я также принадлежу, видят в вашем тексте суровую и несправедливую критику нашего сообщества города Мухосранска. Да, для некоторых удачливых и высокомерных жителей больших городов, таких как Тверь или Тула, танго,

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What has this F…eldenkrais method to do with tango?

You can find on the web lot of links about The Feldenkrais Method. Here, I just want to explain with my words, what are those ATM we do on Friday, and what results one can expect from them. ATM stands for Awareness Through the Movement. For one hour, people try to do moves that a voice (mine on Friday) describes to them. Doing so, the participants look for their own effortless way of doing it (this is why nobody shows, so that you can not copy someone’s else way), with awareness of their body. The voice helps to focus the

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Как танцевать плохое танго. Советы профессионала

Есть множество способов танцевать плохое танго! Мысль об этой статье приводит меня в восторг. Тем более, что я знаю, о чем говорю – ведь делал это долгие годы. Начнем с первых шагов.

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